Giving Tuesday Campaign! Help us stock the feeding clinic with life saving food for malnourished children!

Amount Raised $740
Amount Needed $19,635

Giving Tuesday Campaign! Help us stock the feeding clinic with life saving food for malnourished children!

We are kicking off the holiday season with a life-saving project, and we want YOU to be part of it! This could very well be the most impactful donation you make this year, and the blessing will impact countless children for all of 2023!!! If we reach our goal of $20,000, we are confident that we can keep the feeding clinic supplied with life-saving peanut paste and baby formula for nearly one year!! This will allow us to fundraise for other needs and expand our efforts in other areas. All donations are tax-deductible! .  Let’s get going! We can do this!!!

You can further your impact instantly by offering to match others’ contributions with a matching gift!!! Email us today to start a matching gift!  ( )

**** This project is live on multiple platforms, and for transparency purposes, all updates and the goal amount will be reflected and adjusted on each forum.****


Top Donors

Here are the top 10 contributors for this campaign:

#6donor$20Jennie, so sorry I couldn’t give more at this time but having a lot of medical bills. Thank you for all you do with Cry4humanity

This campaign has 12 donations from 6 contributors


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