Help Kadiatu and Make Her Medical Journey to the USA Comfortable and Enjoyable

Amount Raised $1,295
Amount Needed $5,000

Help Kadiatu and Make Her Medical Journey to the USA Comfortable and Enjoyable

Are you looking for a way to make a difference in someone’s life? Look no further than Kadiatu. As the co-founder of Cry4humanity, I am excited to host her during her lengthy stay (6-12 months) and first time in America. However, to make her stay comfortable and enjoyable, we need your financial help.

Your donation will cover the cost of food and living essentials for Kadiatu during her stay in the USA. One can only fit so much in two suitcases! We would also love to treat Kadi to fun outings and experiences while she is here. Your contribution will significantly impact her journey and help her feel welcomed and supported during this challenging time.

To donate,You can choose to make a one-time donation or set up a recurring donation to support Kadiatu throughout her journey. Every little bit helps, and we appreciate any support you can provide.

In addition to donating, there are other ways you can help make Kadiatu’s stay in the USA more comfortable and enjoyable. You can send her a gift card to your favorite restaurant, grocery store, Walmart, Target etc. If you live in St.Louis, consider offering to show her around or inviting her to a local event. Small gestures like these can make a big difference in someone’s life.

Thank you for considering supporting Kadiatu during her medical journey to the USA. Your generosity and kindness will not go unnoticed and will be greatly appreciated. Together, we can make a difference in her life and help her feel welcomed and supported during this challenging and exciting time!

Top Donors

Here are the top 10 contributors for this campaign:

#5donor$100Best wishes!
#8donor$40What a blessing you are!

This campaign has 10 donations from 8 contributors


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